Monday, January 04, 2010


So what's it going to be?

How are you going to say it?

Is it 2-thousand-10 or 20-10?

Think back more than a decade ago...did you ever say 1-thousand-9-hundred-95?  Of course not!  That takes entirely too long.  You'd be weird.  It was 19-95...for that matter it was 19-64, 19-75 and so on and so forth.

Not that I was alive and can recall but listening to people who make reference to the years more than 100 ago describe them as 'aught-8' know, "back in 'aught-8'" was 19-aught-8.  It wasn't 1-thousand-9-hundred and 8.  Heck it was even 19-08 before it was that long, drawn out version.

But for some reason most of us described the past decade as '2-thousand-1,2,3,4...and so on....not 20-01, 02, 03...etc, etc.  I wonder why.

If for no other reason it's nice to be in another decade.  It takes entirely too long to say '2-thousand-10' as opposed to '20-10'.  

I'm happy about that....I wonder what I'll do with all that extra time?

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Funny, you're right. And it makes me want to find people from the first decade of the 1900's and ask them what they said. It's a little too late for that.